Smart MTO

Generate Precise Micro Data Sheets with mD

Generate compact data sheets focused only on cost-implicating details. Streamline your procurement process and make informed decisions.

Simplified Data Input

Allow users to input only the minimum required details that directly impact cost estimation.

Template-Based Micro Data Sheets

Predefined templates for common equipment categories to streamline data sheet creation.

Customizable Fields

Enable users to add or remove fields relevant to their specific equipment or cost requirements.

Cost Data Validation

Include mechanisms to flag missing or inconsistent cost-impacting data for review.

Vendor-Specific Formatting

Export data sheets in formats tailored to vendor requirements (PDF, Excel, CSV).

Integration with Cost AI

Seamless syncing with Cost AI to update missing cost data once obtained.

Equipment Categorization

Allow categorization of equipment and items for quick retrieval and comparison.

Automated Field Population

Use preloaded default values for common fields based on equipment type.

Cost Impact Summary

Provide a high-level summary of fields with the most significant cost implications.

Data Sheet Version Control

Maintain versions of data sheets to track changes and revisions.

Collaboration Features

Support multiple users for collaborative data sheet editing and review.

Audit Trail

Record changes and user actions to ensure transparency and accountability.


Smart MTO

Use Smart MTO to generate MTOs for alternative routings generated by the Auto Router.


Cost AI

Use Cost AI to compile costs from public and private data sources for generated MTOs.


Mails AI

Mails, an AI agent sends emails to qualifying vendors where costs are unavailable in the Cost AI.